“Vaccinate i bambini”, mamma Rebecca posta un video con il figlio colpito da pertosse VIDEO

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“Vaccinate i bambini”, mamma Rebecca posta un video con il figlio colpito da pertosse VIDEO

| giovedì 19 Novembre 2015 - 13:04

Una mamma posta un video su Facebook per sensibilizzare gli altri genitori sul tema vaccini. “Sono stanca, nelle ultime tre settimane mi sono svegliata ogni singola volta che il mio bambino tossiva per paura che smettesse di respirare”. Così Rebecca Harreman, in cui riprende il piccolo di quattro mesi colpito da pertosse. “Bisogna vaccinare i bambini, non fare nulla è sbagliato. Forse questo video vi convincerà”, scrive la donna sul suo profilo.

Il filmato ha superato in pochi giorni il milione e mezzo di visualizzazioni. Come di consueto numerosi sono stati  gli anti-vaccinisti che hanno commentato il post sul social nertwork ma non sono mancati nemmeno i messaggi di solidarietà nei confronti della madre australiana. “Non intendo offendere nessuno con le mie idee– afferma -, ma qualche anti-vaccinista pensa di poter dire che non sono autorizzata a condividere la mia esperienza personale”.

In Italia la vaccinazione contro la pertosse è in calo negli ultimi anni, con diverse segnalazioni di bambini morti a causa della malattia. Secondo uno studio targatoWaidid, ogni anno si registrano tra i 20 e i 50 milioni di casi di pertosse e circa 300mila decessi tra neonati e bambini. Tra i Paesi più colpiti figurano quelli europei, con un caso ogni 100mila.

Okay so I know I said I’d let the hate go. But I’m tired. Damn tired. I’ve been on duty for over 3 weeks having to wake every single time my baby boy coughs for fear he will stop breathing. Every. Single. Time. I cannot and will not pass that duty to anyone else, because I just can’t sleep.So for those of you sitting on the fence on whether to vaccinate yourself and your kids or not… maybe this video will convince you.This is a GOOD coughing fit in a 4 month old with Pertussis, or Whooping Cough – 23 days after his cough started which is when it’s supposed to be getting past the bad stage. It lasts for up to 100 days, but a simple cold I passed onto him that I caught from being with him in hospital is making him relapse again :(Now when I say this is good… I mean that’s absolutely nothing. Not even long enough to be called a coughing fit. Nothing compared to watching him turn blue from coughing for so long and so much he can’t take a single breath…Imagine that in a tiny newborn baby. Can you imagine?! The doctors said he has his age and size and his first vaccination on his side to be able to fight this because there is no real way to treat it – you can only try and get some oxygen in them – that is if they breathe it in… and they have to do that all on their own. I don’t care whether you want to try and prove to me that vaccinations and herd immunities don’t work. I don’t care that vaccinations have side effects, because every person in this world reacts differently to all types of food, products and medicines. I could not care less, even if it is ever proven one day that they don’t work.You know why? Because at least at the end of the day I tried to do something to prevent this and not sit there and say “oh well, vaccinations don’t work so I’ll just sit here and do nothing”… because doing nothing goes against every cell in my body as a mother. Doing nothing is just wrong.So please share this and spread some awareness… not nonsense. This is getting worse because people are not vaccinating!Oh, and no matter what you believe – if you have a cough while out in public – cover your damn effing mouth!!!~End Rant~

Posted by Rebecca Harreman on Venerdì 13 novembre 2015


Edizioni Si24 s.r.l.
Aut. del tribunale di Palermo n.20 del 27/11/2013
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